2002/4/5 (FRI)
【J-フォンがauを追い抜き2位に】 → "写メール"の大ヒット、おめでとうございます。ちなみに私はカメラ付き携帯初号機のSH-04を、発売日の次の日ぐらい(2000年11月上旬)に買いました。たんなる新しもの好きなだけなんですけどね・・・ \(^O^)/
そんなこんなで長年使った番号を変えるのもいやだし、長期利用+ロングウェイサポートの割引も最大になっているので、オーストラリアに来ている間も契約継続中です。エルプランだと全く使わなくて月々1,850円だったかな? ちなみに俺の回線が主回線で、副回線に姉と父親がぶらさがっているという変な契約形態。でも、3人合わせて1万円もいかないという"かなりいただけない顧客"だったりします。ぷぷ。
J-PHONE、いまは絶好調みたいですが、これからはDoCoMoもAUもカメラ付きを出してくるし、AUはGPS付きなんて出してますから、うかうかできないですよ~ 3Gのサービスインでも一番遅れをとっているのは事実ですし。
- メモ書き -
to burst for the toilet = I need to go to the toilet, to burst into tears = to begin crying, despite = in spite of, batter = to hit strongly, outfit = (1) a piece of clothing (2) organisation, compaund = mix, meagre = meager = very little, reluctance = not willing, embrace = (1) to hug (2) to start using, slump = decrease, coincide = at the same time, burst = to pop, presence = to be around, blue-chip = famous / quiality company, foresee = predict, consist of = to be made up of, radically = completely, sophisticated = smart, misconception = wrong idea, dispel = to get rid of, notion = idea, bid = pricing, teething problems = starting problems, accurately = precisely / carefully, constantly = all the time, practice(n) = a custom, practise(English Verb) = practice(American Verb), sacred = holy, bond = connection / relationship between people, preserve = to keep / maintain, omen = bad feeling / sensation, avert = prevent, a pinch = a little bit, to pinch = to squeeze, mythology = ancient stories about Greek Gods, sacrifice = an offering, bury = to put under ground, foundation = base, preside over = rule over = control over = be in charge of, to swear = to promise, swear = bad words, inspired = innovated = creative idea, secrecy = in private, revolve = to go around, madness = crazy, cure = to solve a problem / illness, negative slang = swear words, casualty = terrible, hallmark = good example, loyal = someone you can trust, viable = able to do something, fate = destiny, refusal = not accepting, faith = trust = to believe without seeing, opt = select, axe = to end = to finish = stop, demise = disappearance, indication = show an example, topical = a current issue, compounded = complicated by, to hang on = to continue = to keep going, to beam = to be transported, a segment = a piece
[Tongue Twisters] (8)The two-toed tree-toad tried to win, the three-toed she-toad's heart, for the two-toed tree-toad loved the ground, that the three-toed tree-toad trod.